
 210 4223330 Καλέστε την WIDE Services για πιστοποιημένες υπηρεσίες e-learning!

Moodle Partner

Business analytics

Δημιουργήστε εύκολα και γρήγορα διαδραστικά στατιστικά και αναφορές στα elearning courses σας!



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Business analytics

WIDE Services is official reseller of IntelliBoard.net, Inc. the world’s best service which offers analytic and reporting services for Moodle by extracting statistical data gathered available in Moodle and present it on a single dashboard in the form of printable charts, graphs, and multiple formatted reports.

IntelliBoard is the most comprehensive reporting and analytics platform of any LMS on the market today. Feel empowered to deliver better, more effective, more engaging learning informed by what your data is telling you. Our mantra: provide the best instantly available, easy-to-use, point-and click access to your data.

View your data INSTANTLY.

The true value of data visualization lies in its ability to 
help you show – not just tell – your story.

Make your data work for you.
Track and analyze your data in real-time with IntelliBoard.net, Moodle's Premium Integrator for reporting and analytics. IntelliBoard is user-friendly, aesthetic, and our client support is nothing short of spectacular. Looking for customization or branding?

With our new Organizational Role and SubAccount features, you have the flexibility to configure multiple roles and permissions to fit your every human: Managers, Department Chairs, Employers, Parents, and every other in between.

Reporting & Analytics
More than 120+ reports and analytics to slice and dice your data the way you need to see it.


  • Track Results Instantly
    Get to know your learners: high achieving, at-risk, under-engaged - with a single click.
  • Compare and Analyze
    Compare course performance across time and instructor. Compare individual learners. Analyze activity completion and engagement.
  • Monitor Learning Progress
    Use multiple reports that identify at-risk learners using YOUR institutional parameters.
  • Data Security
    Know that your data is your data. Reports are generated upon real-time requests, and no data is stored outside of your LMS.
  • Intervene
    Identify patterns of learner behavior and create appropriate interventions to keep learners focused, on-track, engaged, and successful.
  • Notifications
    Schedule reports for when you need them. Create event notifications based upon defined triggers.

Integrate your Moodle LMS data with Microsoft PowerBI with Intelliboard!

WIDE Services - Moodle Certified Services Provider

Στη WIDE Services δεν λέμε απλά ότι μπορούμε και ξέρουμε να προσφέρουμε υπηρεσίες, αποδεικνύουμε την εμπειρία και την αξιοπιστία μας με τις πιστοποιήσεις, τις επίσημες συνεργασίες με διεθνείς και εγχώριες εταιρείες και οργανισμούς και φυσικά με τα πλούσια βιογραφικά των experts της ομάδας μας! Ξέρουμε να πρωτοπορούμε στο elearning και γι’ αυτό διαφέρουμε και μας εμπιστεύονται...

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